I'm having one of those days or even weeks where life seems to be wrapped up in a big blissful ball of excitement and anticipation. I'd apologize for not blogging but I haven't heard any complaints.
My bestfriend since elementary finally came to visit with her lovely little daughter and husband. I spent the entire week seeing the world through a six year olds eyes and stomach. When you hang out with six year olds who are on vacation that entails icecream every single day or just randomly twirling an umbrella for at least an hour at a time.

Just before Tricia, Mark and Ella arrived I made another friend,
Jen, a bag for her birthday. Originally I thought she would use it sparingly as a dressy gym bag alternative when she didn't want to lug her cute sporty one around. Oh boy was I wrong - in a very pleasant way. Every time I see her she's wearing it as her regular everyday purse. I'm the type of person who saves things when they are special. Not Jen - no, no, no. She uses the things she loves again and again and then when they start to fade or rip she takes the time or money to fix it and then keeps on reaping mounds of pleasure from it. What a nice way to live your life, eh? If someone asked me what Jen's metaphor for life is it would be -
enjoy what you have to the fullest then do something about it when it starts to fade, rip or start to stink. How lucky am I to have a friend who lives her life like this?
This is the bag I made her using fabric she fell in love with and bought four years ago at an outdoor fabric sale. She was going to donate to charity when I asked her for it. Because she's using it so often I'm going to add a pocket and liner for her. Stay tuned for the update.
I read this and it totally made my day: I laughed and laughed at work, making my colleagues think I'm even weirder. You're right. I love my things to death, this bag included. I get compliments all the time on it and the fact that you made it for me makes it all the more special. I can't wait for the design improvements to be made. Can I come over now? -jen