I'm visiting my parents in another province at the moment and Wednesday ALWAYS marks the last leg of my vacay. This time around I came to help my Dad in his garden, visit friends and family and attend a friends wedding. The wedding was an hour away so I stole my parents car for the evening and hung out with some of my University girlfriends, Ange and Mar, the following day.
Meet Ellie. Ange's daughter. Her words not mine. Ellie is short for Eleanor Roosevelt.

While visiting another friend I had the distinct pleasure of visiting her big beautiful almost bloomed tree. This is Mar proudly posing for me.

The following day brought rain and a quick trip over the border with my parents. Ok, it was far from quick I hit the fabric mother load. My poor parents were forced to rove around the department store, visit other stores in the area while I filled a massive cart with beautiful fabric. I promised myself before leaving that I would only spend the $30 I had left-over from my Costa Rica trip. My parents abandoned me so I coulden't even hit them up to pay for me. I didn't bring my wallet and have no shame when this much fabric is involved. Now I'm kicking myself. I'm coming back in July and plan to make up for the mistake. I'll post pictures of my fabric winnings once I iron them.
When I'm not following my Dad around the garden, visiting friends or eating something delicious my Mom has made I've curled up on the couch and hand quilted this blanket. I think it's destined to be a quillow. A quillow is a quilt which folds into a built in pocket. I still have a long way to go but here it is thus far.

The lighting stinks in this picture because I keep forgetting to take it during the day. I'll add more photos and information tomorrow.